For the first time I decided as part of my selection process to print out 40 images from two earlier rounds of culls onto A4 (12 to a page.) I cut them up and laid them out on the dining table so that I could pick my final 10. It is much easier to shuffle images on a table than to juggle them using a monitor screen. Images that don't quite belong tended to leap out at me and the sequencing was easier too.
Once I had my final 10 I printed them out large onto A4 and hung them up on a newly constructed hanging wire in my workroom. This allowed me to live with them for a few days without them getting in the way or being tidied up and it was easier to re-jig the sequence if I needed to.
I'm also sending physical prints to my tutor for the first time with this course so it will be interesting to see what response I get with regard to that. My assignment is now posted off to my tutor and it's just a case of waiting.
Here are my final 10 images shown in sequence:
Tutor Feedback:
My feedback for this assignment was positive and for the first time ever on any of my level 1 course I have not had to make any amendments to my submitted images. His advice moving forward is that I need to start using the Harvard referencing system when I write my essay. This is something that I have been vaguely aware was lacking from previous ones and I need to tackle this and get it right before I move to my level 2 courses. As there are no amendments to the images in this set I might re-tackle the essay using academic references and submit it as an amendment at assessment time.
Another piece of advice was to tackle a project with a viewpoint or angle in mind to give life to a project. Previously I have tried to remain neutral in my work and seen myself as an observer. To put across a point of view is interesting and has given me some ideas for tackling the next assignment.